Viajar Seguro

Confidence in travelling

Flexible Booking Conditions
In times of uncertainty, we understand the need for flexibility. Be reassured that should your clients need to amend or cancel their travel plans we will assist you to find alternatives or to reschedule their travel arrangements.
Safe travels accredited
Traveller safety is our highest priority. KNMtravel has therefore adopted the COVID Safe Travel Protocols released by the Slovenian Tourist board and the World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) to ensure a high level of hygiene and safety on our tours.
Pre-Tour Health & Insurance Requirements
KNMtravel as DMC relays on our B2B partners to assure and check all pre-travel health and insurance requirements (also the Covid-19 related cover) with their clients.
Travelling with confidence on destination
KNMtravel team will be following the situation in Slovenia, Croatia and on the Balkan region and will be ready to share with you all info connected to safe travelling in the region. At the same time, we will be implementing, communicating, and taking all necessary actions to prevent the spread of Covid-19 and enable a safety travel for all our passengers.
Individual travellers: 
tailor-made, private tours with private guide and vehicle or self-drive programs, allows your clients to travel at heir own peace but also to travel alone and keep the distances from other people.
Coach tours and closed groups:
The size of the groups on our coach tours with guaranteed departure will not exceed 25 passengers. In general, our groups were always smaller then 25 passengers, the average size of the group was 10-15 passengers. Where necessary, we will follow local government guidance on permitted group sizes and should this have any effect on the touring experience, we will inform you immediately.
For closed groups we will agree with you, our partner, about the size of the coach and the number of passengers. From our side you will get the updated info about local government guidance on permitted group sizes.
For all tours (coach tours departures, closed groups and private tours for individual travellers), we will ensure the cleanliness and regular sanitising of our vehicles and take all necessary measurements for a safe travel.
If your client contracts COVID-19 whilst on tour, what would happen?
KNMtravel would do everything required to assist your clients and the rest of the group to access medical care as soon as possible. KNMtravel will act on what is best based on the local regulations at the time and inform you (our partner) immediately. Although we would do all we can to assist our clients through the process and provide the support they may need, all expenses associated with testing, treatment or isolation requirements will need to be covered by clients and/or their insurer.
Tips for staying healthy when travelling
It is always a good idea to practice good sanitation to stay healthy and enjoy travel! This is now more important than ever and although we will be working with our local partners to provide hand sanitiser where possible, encourage your clients to pack their own. Remind them to also pack the face mask, since in some locations might still be obligatory.
We encourage our clients to follow 5 simple steps (described below) to protect themselves and others from getting sick.
Alerts & advice
Due to the global situation continuously changing, we encourage you to check a range of sources to ensure you have the most up-to date information regarding COVID-19. We will assist you to get most up to date info of the destinations we are covering.
General information about restrictions and travelling in Europe are available on: 

Remember! Slovenia, Croatia, and the Balkan region are popular tourist destinations BUT still offer many opportunities to spend a calm and isolated vacation. If your clients prefer to stay away from crowded places, just let us know and together we will prepare a tailor-made program for them.

Protect yourself and others

Simple steps to protect yourself and others from getting sick

  • Cover mouth and nose with a flexed elbow or tissue when coughing and sneezing.
  • Throw tissue into bin immediately after use and please take all rubbish, including tissues, with you off the bus for proper disposal. Do not touch your face, with unwashed or undisinfected hands.
  • Physical distancing – remain at least 1.5 metres from others, staggering your entry and exit from the bus.
  • Clean hands regularly and thoroughly.
  • Alert your guide immediately should you feel unwell.

If you have fever, cough, sore throat and/or shortness of breath seek medical care early and share previous travel history with your health care provider.
Washing your hands 
Wash your hands with soap and running water for 20 seconds  when hands are visibly dirty. If your hands are not visibly dirty, frequently clean them by using alcohol-based hand sanitiser, or soap and water.

Wash your hands...
- after coughing or sneezing
- when caring for the sick
- before, during and after you prepare food
- before eating
- after toilet use
- when hands are visibly dirty
- after handling animals or animal waste



El lugar perfecto para los viajes perfectos!

Juntos crearemos programas a medida para experimentar viajes inolvidables.

Contáctanos: +386 (0)7 393 15 20